Welcome Home deary ;3

Looks like its snowing outside.. Better stick around a while till it clears up.

Moo's News

9/5/2018 - Just so you know
Here’s a little note for many of the other neocities members that I know visit this site. Partly because its something I forget, but mostly because I need something to post here 😅
I know neocities and the retro web tends to attract people who are not quite normal. We tend to be people who don’t quite belong, or are here because we miss some time passed of the early web.
As someone like that myself, I know the feeling that you don’t belong or are not worth being a part of this world. Its a feeling that makes people give up, sometimes to even delete their sites and their work.
So Id like to remind you. You belong here. Not because you have the best site, or are a great coder, or fantastic artist. You belong just for wanting to be here, and wanting to add to this weird small slice of human history.
Also if you haven’t already add your site to Daniels Net today so we can all find it ;D
8/1/2018 - Its a New Year!
I know I'm late, but time flies buckaroonoes.
Hope you have a good year :P
11/12/2017 - Christmas!
Is it getting chilly wherever you are? Its sure getting cold here in the melon kingdom, just look at that snow outside!
I made a card just for you :}

3/9/2017 - The next great America trip!
Iv started logging my next trip to America, this one will run for a few months, so probably wont be as interesting and fast paced as the last.. but as a person who enjoys going slow, thats not a complaint from me! AMERICA TRIP 2